You’ll find this post in your _posts
directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many different ways, but the most common way is to run jekyll serve
, which launches a web server and auto-regenerates your site when a file is updated.
To add new posts, simply add a file in the _posts
directory that follows the convention YYYY-MM-DD-name-of-post.ext
and includes the necessary front matter. Take a look at the source for this post to get an idea about how it works.
目录中找到这篇文章。 继续编辑它并重新构建网站以查看您的更改。 您可以通过多种方式重建站点,但最常见的方法是运行jekyll serve
并包含必要的前端内容。 看看这篇文章的来源,了解它的工作原理。
Jekyll also offers powerful support for code snippets:
Check out the Jekyll docs for more info on how to get the most out of Jekyll. File all bugs/feature requests at Jekyll’s GitHub repo. If you have questions, you can ask them on Jekyll Talk.
查看Jekyll docs了解更多关于如何充分利用Jekyll的信息。 在Jekyll的GitHub repo提交所有错误/功能请求。 如果您有疑问,可以在Jekyll Talk上询问。